Best Pet Insurance Companies

Best Pet Insurance Companies
The top pet insurance providers provide multiple forms of coverage options, from accident and illness plans to wellness add-ons and an annual maximum coverage limit. Healthy Paws provides reasonable prices and an easy claims processing policy, typically taking only two... Read more

Mortgage Insurance in Case of Death

Mortgage Insurance in Case of Death
Mortgage life insurance provides relief in the event of your death by covering your outstanding balance, thus protecting your family from falling behind on payments, foreclosure, or selling of the house. However, mortgage protection policies differ from traditional life insurance... Read more

Accident Death Insurance

Accident Death Insurance
Accidents that result in loss of limb, eyesight or life can place undue financial strain on families, but with an accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) policy you can provide peace of mind to your loved ones in case an unexpected... Read more

What is a Death Notification?

Death Notification
No one wants to receive bad news, but death is an unfortunate part of life. When a loved one dies during their time in the military, in a hospital or through an assorted circumstance, it’s crucial to break the news... Read more

Getting Affairs in Order Before Death

Getting Affairs in Order Before Death
When someone hears the phrase, getting their affairs in order, the first thought is death. While this is a common cause, there are others, such as the loss of family members that can motivate people to organize their financial and... Read more

Whole life insurance

whole life insurance
It’s essential to learn as much as possible about life insurance, even if it can be difficult to grasp. Whole life insurance is a good choice if you want to ensure that your loved ones are provided for in the... Read more

Death Insurance Policy

death insurance
Death insurance is a financial product that can help protect your family if you die. If you have life insurance, the death benefit will pay out a lump sum or monthly payments to your beneficiaries in the event of your... Read more